Tackling challenges like rabbits, plant diseases, and other bummer topics.
- Assigning grades: native perennials for a front yardTaking a moment to review and remember to inform my decisions as fall planting approaches.
- What killed my lawn? How to make organic lawns look goodNew gardeners who wonder why their lawns died and what to do about it might be especially interested in this post
- Pollen count: ways to beat seasonal allergiesDealing with seasonal allergies–and hot to recognize ragweed.
- Bright spots in a tough week: free plants and progress fighting pestsIn a week filled with big stories, the news in my garden continues to be about free plants and discouraging pests—kind of a theme, come to think of it.
- Missouri whine: meet the beetlesA post about protecting a grapevine from Japanese beetles and other dangers, plus some history of Missouri’s wine-growing industry
Recent posts you may have missed
- Why are native plants important?
- Is your neighborhood a toxic chemical hotspot?
- Simple past, present progressive: What I did and am doing
- Remembering Eleanor Perényi, who was more than a garden writer
- Reviewing The Gardener’s Year, by Karel Čapek
- Paper gardening: a look at We Made a Garden, a garden writing classic
- Assigning grades: native perennials for a front yard
- What killed my lawn? How to make organic lawns look good
- Dreams come true: visiting the chateaux of the Loire
- A conversation withTalis Bergmanis
- Advocacy (6)
- Native Plant Gardening 101 (1)
- Nuisances (9)
- Plants (10)
- Reflections (26)
- Visits (13)